When a new schema is created Postgres is trying to reset stats by executing the function pg_stat_statements_reset()
By default, this function can only be executed by superusers (from original doc).
Heroku doesn't give you superuser privileges.
So you need to disable extension pg_stat_statements.
Solution 1 - Quick hot fix directly in DB
Access the Rails Console for your Heroku app:
heroku run rails c
Execute SQL statement in schema public:
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DROP EXTENSION pg_stat_statements;")
Solution 2 - via migration
Check the file db/schema.rb. Most probably it contains a line
enable_extension "pg_stat_statements"
Create a migration file
rails g migration DropExtensionPgStatStatements
define self.up method
def self.up
disable_extension "pg_stat_statements"
apply the migration
rake db:migrate
Now the file db/schema.rb should not contain that line
Commit changes (schema and migration files) and deploy to Heroku
rake deploy:production:migrations
Regarding the rake task see deploy.rake