How to round an average to 2 decimal places in PostgreSQL?
Asked Answered



I am using PostgreSQL via the Ruby gem 'sequel'.

I'm trying to round to two decimal places.

Here's my code:

SELECT ROUND(AVG(some_column),2)    
FROM table

I get the following error:

PG::Error: ERROR:  function round(double precision, integer) does 
not exist (Sequel::DatabaseError)

I get no error when I run the following code:

SELECT ROUND(AVG(some_column))
FROM table

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Faxun answered 28/10, 2012 at 21:15 Comment(4)
Your error message doesn't match the code in your question.Conyers
The syntax error aside, this closely related question on dba.SE sheds some light on rounding double precision numbers in PostgreSQL.Hereford
@muistooshort, Thanks for pointing that out. It should say 'round' where it says 'avg'. Edited.Faxun
for searching results sake, I also get this hint as output from the prompt: HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.Pax

PostgreSQL does not define round(double precision, integer). For reasons @Mike Sherrill 'Cat Recall' explains in the comments, the version of round that takes a precision is only available for numeric.

regress=> SELECT round( float8 '3.1415927', 2 );
ERROR:  function round(double precision, integer) does not exist

regress=> \df *round*
                           List of functions
   Schema   |  Name  | Result data type | Argument data types |  Type  
 pg_catalog | dround | double precision | double precision    | normal
 pg_catalog | round  | double precision | double precision    | normal
 pg_catalog | round  | numeric          | numeric             | normal
 pg_catalog | round  | numeric          | numeric, integer    | normal
(4 rows)

regress=> SELECT round( CAST(float8 '3.1415927' as numeric), 2);
(1 row)

(In the above, note that float8 is just a shorthand alias for double precision. You can see that PostgreSQL is expanding it in the output).

You must cast the value to be rounded to numeric to use the two-argument form of round. Just append ::numeric for the shorthand cast, like round(val::numeric,2).

If you're formatting for display to the user, don't use round. Use to_char (see: data type formatting functions in the manual), which lets you specify a format and gives you a text result that isn't affected by whatever weirdness your client language might do with numeric values. For example:

regress=> SELECT to_char(float8 '3.1415927', 'FM999999999.00');
(1 row)

to_char will round numbers for you as part of formatting. The FM prefix tells to_char that you don't want any padding with leading spaces.

Garland answered 28/10, 2012 at 22:25 Comment(12)
Hmm. When I try out ROUND(CAST(FLOAT8 '3.1415927' AS NUMERIC),2);, I get '0.314E1'. And I have my code written as ROUND(AVG(val),2) yet still get the error I described in my question.Faxun
I just ran ROUND(CAST(FLOAT8 '3.1415927' AS NUMERIC),2); on PgAdmin and Ruby. With PgAdmin, I get 3.14, but with Ruby (using he Sequel gem) I get '0.314E1'. I wonder why this is...Faxun
"For some odd reason the version of round that takes a precision is only available for numeric." Floating-point numbers are "useful approximations". If you ask code to round a floating-point number to two decimal places, returning another floating-point number, there's no guarantee that the closest approximation to the "right" answer will have only two digits to the right of the decimal. Numerics are effectively scaled integers; they don't have that problem.Hypersthene
@Catcall Good point - a double version of round would need to return numeric or (ugh) text, so it might as well take a numeric argument.Garland
@Faxun Ruby, or Ruby's pg gem, must do weird things with numeric values. Are you formatting it for display to the user? If so, see updated answer.Garland
@Faxun If you're still seeing an error after casting to numeric, please show your real code.Garland
@CraigRinger It does seem that the gem does weird things. However, your TO_CHAR code worked. The result has blank spaces at the beginning of it, but I can strip those off with Ruby.Faxun
@Faxun As per the documentation, if you don't want the padding for the sign use the FM version, eg SELECT to_char(float8 '3.1415927', 'FM999999999.00'). Answer amended.Garland
For those trying to find the comment by @Catcall : now it is Mike Sherrill 'Cat Recall'Revivify
ROUND(value::numeric,2) -- when value is float8Leucopenia
When I use round((price / (weight / 1000)::numeric), 2) as price_per_kg, I get this weird "scientific notation" output like 0.8e-1 instead of 0.08. How can I fix it?Miramontes
@JoreJoh use the format function or other number-to-text formatting functions to display it in your preferred formGarland

        ((this is a Wiki! please edit to enhance!))

Try also the old syntax for casting,

SELECT ROUND( AVG(some_column)::numeric, 2 ) FROM table;

works with any version of PostgreSQL.
...But, as definitive solution, you can overload the ROUND function.

Overloading as casting strategy

  SELECT ROUND( CAST($1 AS numeric), $2 )
$f$ language SQL IMMUTABLE;

Now your instruction will works fine, try this complete comparison:

SELECT trunc(n,3), round(n,3) n_round, round(f,3) f_round,
       pg_typeof(n) n_type, pg_typeof(f) f_type, pg_typeof(round(f,3)) f_round_type
FROM (SELECT 2.0/3.0, 2/3::float) t(n,f);
trunc n_round f_round n_type f_type f_round_type
0.666 0.667 0.667 numeric double precision numeric

The ROUND(float,int) function is f_round, it returns a (decimal) NUMERIC datatype, that is fine for some applications: problem solved!

In another applications we need a float also as result. An alternative is to use round(f,3)::float or to create a round_tofloat() function. Other alternative, overloading ROUND function again, and using all range of accuracy-precision of a floating point number, is to return a float when the accuracy is defined (see IanKenney's answer),

  input float,     -- the input number
  accuracy float   -- accuracy, the "counting unit"
) RETURNS float AS $f$
   SELECT ROUND($1/accuracy)*accuracy
$f$ language SQL IMMUTABLE;


  SELECT round(21.04, 0.05);     -- 21.05 float!
  SELECT round(21.04, 5::float); -- 20
  SELECT round(1/3., 0.0001);    -- 0.3333
  SELECT round(2.8+1/3., 0.5);   -- 3.15
  SELECT round(pi(), 0.0001);    -- 3.1416

PS: the command \df round, on psql after overloadings, will show something like this table

 Schema     |  Name | Result  | Argument  
 myschema   | round | numeric | float, int
 myschema   | round | float   | float, float
 pg_catalog | round | float   | float            
 pg_catalog | round | numeric | numeric   
 pg_catalog | round | numeric | numeric, int          

where float is synonymous of double precision and myschema is public when you not use a schema. The pg_catalog functions are the default ones, see at Guide the build-in math functions.

Rounding and formating

The to_char function apply internally the round procedure, so, when your aim is only to show a final result in the terminal, you can use the FM modifier as a prefix to a numeric format pattern:

SELECT round(x::numeric,2), trunc(x::numeric,2), to_char(x, 'FM99.99')
FROM (SELECT 2.0/3) t(x);
round trunc to_char
0.67 0.66 .67


Cause of the problem

There are a lack of overloads in some PostgreSQL functions, why (???): I think "it is a lack" (!), but @CraigRinger, @Catcall and the PostgreSQL team agree about "pg's historic rationale".

Note about performance and reuse

The build-in functions, such as ROUND of the pg_catalog, can be overloaded with no performance loss, when compared to direct cast encoding. Two precautions must be taken when implementing user-defined cast functions for high performance:

  • The IMMUTABLE clause is very important for code snippets like this, because, as said in the Guide: "allows the optimizer to pre-evaluate the function when a query calls it with constant arguments"

  • PLpgSQL is the preferred language, except for "pure SQL". For JIT optimizations (and sometimes for parallelism) language SQL can obtain better optimizations. Is something like copy/paste small piece of code instead of use a function call.

Conclusion: the above ROUND(float,int) function, after optimizations, is so fast than @CraigRinger's answer; it will compile to (exactly) the same internal representation. So, although it is not standard for PostgreSQL, it can be standard for your projects, by a centralized and reusable "library of snippets", like pg_pubLib.

Round to the nth bit or other numeric representation

Some people argue that it doesn't make sense for PostgreSQL to round a number of float datatype, because float is a binary representation, it requires rounding the number of bits or its hexadecimal representation.

Well, let's solve the problem, adding an exotic suggestion... The aim here is to return a float type in another overloaded function,
  ROUND(float, text, int) RETURNS float
The text is to offer a choice between

  • 'dec' for "decimal representation",
  • 'bin' for "binary" representation and
  • 'hex' for hexadecimal representation.

So, in different representations we have a different interpretation about the number of digits to be rounded. Rounding a number x with an approximate shorter value, with less "fractionary digits" (tham its original d digits), will be shorter when d is couting binary digits instead decimal or hexadecimal.

It is not easy without C++, using "pure SQL", but this code snippets will illustrate and can be used as workaround:

-- Looking for a round_bin() function! this is only a workaround:
CREATE FUNCTION trunc_bin(x bigint, t int) RETURNS bigint AS $f$
    SELECT ((x::bit(64) >> t) << t)::bigint;
$f$ language SQL IMMUTABLE;
   x float, 
   xtype text,  -- 'bin', 'dec' or 'hex'
   xdigits int DEFAULT 0
       WHEN xtype NOT IN ('dec','bin','hex') THEN 'NaN'::float
       WHEN xdigits=0 THEN ROUND(x)
       WHEN xtype='dec' THEN ROUND(x::numeric,xdigits)
       ELSE (s1 ||'.'|| s2)::float
    FROM (
      SELECT s1,
               trunc_bin( s2::bigint, CASE WHEN xd<bin_bits THEN bin_bits - xd ELSE 0 END )::text,
             ) AS s2
      FROM (
        SELECT *, 
             (floor( log(2,s2::numeric) ) +1)::int AS bin_bits, -- most significant bit position
             CASE WHEN xtype='hex' THEN xdigits*4 ELSE xdigits END AS xd
        FROM (
          SELECT s[1] AS s1, s[2] AS s2, length(s[2]) AS l2
          FROM (SELECT regexp_split_to_array(x::text,'\.')) t1a(s)
        ) t1b
      ) t1c
    ) t2
$f$ language SQL IMMUTABLE;


 SELECT round(1/3.,'dec',4);     -- 0.3333 float!
 SELECT round(2.8+1/3.,'dec',1); -- 3.1 float!
 SELECT round(2.8+1/3.,'dec');   -- ERROR, need to cast string 
 SELECT round(2.8+1/3.,'dec'::text); -- 3 float
 SELECT round(2.8+1/3.,'dec',0); -- 3 float

 SELECT round(2.8+1/3.,'hex',0); -- 3 float (no change)
 SELECT round(2.8+1/3.,'hex',1); -- 3.1266
 SELECT round(2.8+1/3.,'hex',3); -- 3.13331578486784

 SELECT round(2.8+1/3.,'bin',1);  -- 3.1125899906842625
 SELECT round(2.8+1/3.,'bin',6);  -- 3.1301821767286784
 SELECT round(2.8+1/3.,'bin',12); -- 3.13331578486784

And \df round have also:

 Schema     |  Name | Result  | Argument  
 myschema   | round | float   | x float, xtype text, xdigits int DEFAULT 0

Tolyl answered 28/10, 2012 at 21:15 Comment(1)
See also the new duplicated "Is there a function to round a floating point number directly?"Tolyl

Try with this:

SELECT to_char (2/3::float, 'FM999999990.00');
-- RESULT: 0.67

Or simply:

SELECT round (2/3::DECIMAL, 2)::TEXT
-- RESULT: 0.67
Issuant answered 25/5, 2016 at 21:33 Comment(3)
I find this to be the much more concise and strait forward move on with my day answer to this question. :bow:Bryozoan
Same here! Very short and useful solution.Orville
This is not an algebric solution, it is valid only for print report.Tolyl

you can use the function below

 SELECT TRUNC(14.568,2);

the result will show :


you can also cast your variable to the desire type :

Overspread answered 10/6, 2019 at 9:51 Comment(2)
Same problem, need cast to numeric and returns numericTolyl
this isn't rounding, to be exact. the output for your suggestion is 14.56, whereas if you round that number, it would be 14.57Runt
SELECT ROUND(SUM(amount)::numeric, 2) AS total_amount
FROM transactions

Gives: 200234.08

Gavrilla answered 21/5, 2020 at 8:45 Comment(0)

Try casting your column to a numeric like:

SELECT ROUND(cast(some_column as numeric),2) FROM table
Plumcot answered 10/12, 2019 at 21:48 Comment(3)
working in pg10 without casting with numeric values.Usa
@SergioBelevskij ERROR: function round(double precision, integer) does not exist, the cast as numeric is needed.Capua
Try to cast value into numeric: round (cast(doublecolumn as numeric),2) if your pg version under 10.Usa

According to Bryan's response you can do this to limit decimals in a query. I convert from km/h to m/s and display it in dygraphs but when I did it in dygraphs it looked weird. Looks fine when doing the calculation in the query instead. This is on postgresql 9.5.1.

select date,(wind_speed/3.6)::numeric(7,1) from readings;
Microdot answered 20/2, 2016 at 13:56 Comment(0)

Error:function round(double precision, integer) does not exist

Solution: You need to addtype cast then it will work

Ex: round(extract(second from job_end_time_t)::integer,0)

Apocynaceous answered 21/12, 2015 at 10:23 Comment(0)

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