A similar looking answer was downvoted. But I think I can justify what I'm suggesting here for limited cases.
While it's true that an observable doesn't have a current value, very often it will have an immediately available value. For example with redux / flux / akita stores you may request data from a central store, based on a number of observables and that value will generally be immediately available.
If this is the case then when you subscribe
, the value will come back immediately.
So let's say you had a call to a service, and on completion you want to get the latest value of something from your store, that potentially might not emit:
You might try to do this (and you should as much as possible keep things 'inside pipes'):
serviceCallResponse$.pipe(withLatestFrom(store$.select(x => x.customer)))
.subscribe(([ serviceCallResponse, customer] => {
// we have serviceCallResponse and customer
The problem with this is that it will block until the secondary observable emits a value, which potentially could be never.
I found myself recently needing to evaluate an observable only if a value was immediately available, and more importantly I needed to be able to detect if it wasn't. I ended up doing this:
.subscribe(serviceCallResponse => {
// immediately try to subscribe to get the 'available' value
// note: immediately unsubscribe afterward to 'cancel' if needed
let customer = undefined;
// whatever the secondary observable is
const secondary$ = store$.select(x => x.customer);
// subscribe to it, and assign to closure scope
sub = secondary$.pipe(take(1)).subscribe(_customer => customer = _customer);
// if there's a delay or customer isn't available the value won't have been set before we get here
if (customer === undefined)
// handle, or ignore as needed
return throwError('Customer was not immediately available');
Note that for all of the above I'm using subscribe
to get the value (as @Ben discusses). Not using a .value
property, even if I had a BehaviorSubject