My previous answer fails if you have hierarchies of table of contents so I wrote a simple toctree-filt
directive that is able to filter entries based on a prefix to the entry. For example, given a toctree-filt
directive like
.. toctree-filt::
:maxdepth: 1
and setting the exclusion list to ['draft','erik']
will result in an
effective toctree that looks like
.. toctree-filt::
:maxdepth: 1
Add the following lines to your
extensions = ['toctree_filter']
toc_filter_exclude = ['draft','erik']
Put the following code in /sphinx_ext
next to your /source
import re
from sphinx.directives.other import TocTree
def setup(app):
app.add_config_value('toc_filter_exclude', [], 'html')
app.add_directive('toctree-filt', TocTreeFilt)
return {'version': '1.0.0'}
class TocTreeFilt(TocTree):
Directive to notify Sphinx about the hierarchical structure of the docs,
and to include a table-of-contents like tree in the current document. This
version filters the entries based on a list of prefixes. We simply filter
the content of the directive and call the super's version of run. The
list of exclusions is stored in the **toc_filter_exclusion** list. Any
table of content entry prefixed by one of these strings will be excluded.
If `toc_filter_exclusion=['secret','draft']` then all toc entries of the
form `:secret:ultra-api` or `:draft:new-features` will be excuded from
the final table of contents. Entries without a prefix are always included.
hasPat = re.compile('^\s*:(.+):(.+)$')
# Remove any entries in the content that we dont want and strip
# out any filter prefixes that we want but obviously don't want the
# prefix to mess up the file name.
def filter_entries(self, entries):
excl = self.state.document.settings.env.config.toc_filter_exclude
filtered = []
for e in entries:
m = self.hasPat.match(e)
if m != None:
if not m.groups()[0] in excl:
return filtered
def run(self):
# Remove all TOC entries that should not be on display
self.content = self.filter_entries(self.content)
return super().run()
Now just change your existing toctree
directives to toctree-filt
and you are good to roll. Note that Sphinx will post errors because it will find files that are not included in the document. Not sure how to fix that.