I am currently working on a problem that simulates a extended Producer-Worker model. In this problem there are 3 workers and 3 tools available, and for workers to work they need 2 tools (and materials but those are irrelevant). If there are >=2 tools in the vault, a worker will take 2. Else, they will wait on a condition variable that will be signaled when there are >=2.
This is fine with 2 workers: one will work then return the tools to the vault, and the other waiting worker will be awaken and take 2 tools. The problem is that, with 3 workers, there will always be one starving to get the tools.
After some testing I've noticed that threads waiting for a condition variable is structured in stack form. Is there anyway possible to make it queued form? (1 waits, 2 waits, and 3 waits. when 1 is awaken and wants to make another, he has to wait behind 2 and 3.)
Here is one sample output. The code is too long so I'll post it if it's really necessary. There are 3 worker threads and 1 tool mutex. Whoever is starving differs every other run.
1 Tools taken. Remaining: 1
2 Waiting on tools...
3 Waiting on tools...
1 Operator Product made. Tools returned. Tools now:3
3 Tools taken. Remaining: 1
1 Waiting on tools...
3 Materials returned for switch.
3 Operator Product made. Tools returned. Tools now:3
1 Tools taken. Remaining: 1
3 Waiting on tools...
1 Materials returned for switch.
1 Operator Product made. Tools returned. Tools now:3
3 Tools taken. Remaining: 1
1 Waiting on tools...
3 Materials returned for switch.
3 Operator Product made. Tools returned. Tools now:3
1 Tools taken. Remaining: 1
3 Waiting on tools...
1 Materials returned for switch.
1 Operator Product made. Tools returned. Tools now:3
3 Tools taken. Remaining: 1
1 Waiting on tools...
3 Materials returned for switch.
3 Operator Product made. Tools returned. Tools now:3
1 Tools taken. Remaining: 1
3 Waiting on tools...
1 Materials returned for switch.
(As you can see 2 never gets the tools...)
Update: 2013/07/05 I have added some code.
int tools = 3; //global
string last; //current last product on output buffer
mutex toolsMutex;
mutex matSearchMutex;
int main() {
//Initializing Producers
Producer prod1(1);
Producer prod2(2);
Producer prod3(3);
thread p1(processor,1);
thread p2(processor,2);
thread p3(processor,3);
while(true) {//forever running
return 0;
//Processor method
void processor(int i) {
while (true) { //forever running
bool hasTools = false;
bool productMade = false;
while (productMade == false) { //while product has yet to be made.
//choose what to make...
if (hasTools == false) {
thread matT(getMaterials,whatToMake);
thread toolT(getTools,i);
hasTools = true;
else { //tools acquired but no materials
thread matT(getMaterials,whatToMake);
if (recordedLast.compare(last) != 0) {
//return materials and acquire new ones the next run
else {
unique_lock<mutex> locker(toolMutex);
tools = tools + 2;
cout << i << " Operator Product made. Tools returned. Tools now:" << tools << endl;
productMade = true;
if (tools >=2)
//done processing
void makeProduct(int i) {
unique_lock<mutex> mainMatLock(matSearchMutex);
// make product according to i
this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(rand() % 1000 + 10));
void getTools(int i) {
unique_lock<mutex> locker(toolMutex);
if (tools <2) {
cout << i << " Waiting on tools..." << endl;
tools = tools - 2;//tools acquired
cout << i <<" Tools taken. Remaining: " << tools << endl;
Thanks to those who have replied. I'll try to implement a waiting queue tonight using multiple condition variables.
(P.S. Is there some better way to do code formatting here on Stack Overflow? Other than the four spaces...