I developed an interface JEE / JSF for some statistics. I created checkbox to select references that the user wishes to display, but the trouble is that I use to generate the checkbox Arraylist based on data from my database.
And I can not position them as I want. I wish that after 10 checkbox, others generates directly to the line etc. ..
I have this result
And i wish i could do this
private List<String> selectedReference = new ArrayList<String>();
private List<String> listReference = new ArrayList<String>();
private Boolean afficher = false; // Déclaration du bool pour le rendered de
// ma vue dans MTBF
public StatisticsBeanMTBF() {
this.beginDate = new Date(2001, 00, 01);
List<ProductConfModel> listtmp = this.moduleGlobal.getProductConfModels(2);
for (ProductConfModel pcm : listtmp) {
public void mTBFByType() {
this.afficher = true;
this.listMTBF = new ArrayList<StatistiquesMTBF>();
List<StatistiquesMTBF> suspense = this.moduleGlobal.getMTBFByType(nbHeure, nbJour, NS, DAE, beginDate, endDate);
for (StatistiquesMTBF smtbf : suspense) {
for (String s : this.selectedReference) {
if (smtbf.getReference().equals(s)) {
<h:outputText value="Date début :* " />
<p:calendar value="#{statisticsBeanMTBF.beginDate}"
navigator="true" required="true" />
<h:outputText value="Date fin:* " />
<p:calendar value="#{statisticsBeanMTBF.endDate}" navigator="true"
required="true" />
<h:panelGrid columns="1">
<h:outputText value="Selectionner votre référence : " />
<p:selectManyCheckbox id="grid" columns="5"
<f:selectItems value="#{statisticsBeanMTBF.listReference}" />
<p:separator />
If anyone can help me it would be nice.
Thank you !