I am using the Cordova Splash Screen plugin (http://plugins.cordova.io/#/package/org.apache.cordova.splashscreen) and there is a bug with the current plugin that is causing the app to constantly crash. It appears the bug is documented here (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-7497) but has not yet been fixed in an update, although a workaround is provided.
How do I incorporate the workaround in my project as I am unfamiliar with how to create or modify Cordova plugins. I edited the code to include the workaround mentioned, but how do I get the plugin to recompile for the actual Cordova or iOS project with the changes to the code that were made? I am a beginning to this, so if someone can provide easy to understand instructions on how I would go about incorporate this modified plugin back into my project I would appreciate it.