I am working with legacy database and have a many-to-many association with a join-table that I have resolved to a large extent as the mappings are working fine. But there is an additional column and in case of Book, Author model lets say that the nm_author_books contain a field called 'royalty'. Question is how do I access this field from any direction?
class Book {
String title
static belongsTo = Author
static hasMany = [authors: Author]
static mapping = { authors joinTable: [name: "mm_author_books", key: 'mm_book_id' ] }
class Author {
String name
static hasMany = [books: Book]
static mapping = { books joinTable: [name: "mm_author_books", key: 'mm_author_id'] }
If the nm_author_book table has [nm_book_id, nm_author_id, royalty] what is the way to access the royalty?