I am developing Unit tests for testing model functions.
I am using PHP PDO with DBUnit 1.1.2 and PHPUnit 3.6.10 and my dataset is a yml file.
I need to turn off foreign key checks while the fixtures are being loaded in the database. After that I need to turn it on again so that I can run my tests under those constraints.
Below is a snippet (not the entire class file) of code in my generalized Testcase file which I will include for any new test case I develop.
When I run a test case under these settings these settings i found that $pdo->exec() is not executing.
What is wrong with my approach? Is there a better alternative?
class MyTestCase extends PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_TestCase {
public function getConnection() {
$this->pdo = $this->getPDO();
$conn = $this->createDefaultDBConnection($this->pdo, 'my-schema');
$this->pdo->exec("set foreign_key_checks=0");
return $conn;
private function getPDO() {
include BASEPATH . '/application/config/database.php';
$dbt = $db['testing'];
$conn_string = sprintf("%s:host=%s;dbname=%s", $dbt['dbdriver'], $dbt['hostname'], $dbt['database']);
$pdo = new PDO($conn_string, $dbt['username'], $dbt['password']);
return $pdo;
public function getDataSet() {
echo "BEFORE FOREIGN KEY QUERY in getDataSet\n";
$this->pdo->exec("set foreign_key_checks=1");
return new PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DataSet_YamlDataSet(ROOTPATH."/application/tests/data/my-dataset.yml");
public function setUp() {