i have a spring mvc web application that I need to change the class loader on. I need to change the class loader to be equal to PARENT_LAST. I am using WAS 6.1 and already have a jacl script from a previous web application I can copy to do the job.
In the last application Apache ant was used and what they did was to make the deploy dependent on running the jacl script.
In my new web application I am using maven install to create a war file and am deploying that war file to my application server.
How can I set the class loader to be PARENT_LAST using maven? I know how to do it in the console but if there was a way to do it using scripting that would be nice.
Also will this setting be placed somewhere in the war file so that on deploy of the application the setting will be picked up. This question comes from my lack of understanding of how jacl scripts work?
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