import os, sys
def crawlLocalDirectories(directoryToCrawl):
crawledDirectory = [os.path.join(path, subname) for path, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directoryToCrawl) for subname in dirnames + filenames]
return crawledDirectory
print crawlLocalDirectories('.')
dictionarySize = {}
def getSizeOfFiles(filesToMeasure):
for everyFile in filesToMeasure:
size = os.path.getsize(everyFile)
dictionarySize[everyFile] = size
return dictionarySize
print getSizeOfFiles(crawlLocalDirectories('.'))
Whenever this is ran, I get the output of {'':392L}
, why? What's an L? I don't want to have to strip the L off at the end.
If I run it without adding it to a dictionary, it comes back with the filesize as 392