I am having an issue in my Oracle environment that has me stumped. I have a WORKING, COMPILED view in existence, which I can select data from, but I cannot alter it without getting an "ORA-01720" error.
A bit about my setup: I have 2 schemas, "A" and "B" to be simple. Schema "A" owns "TABLE1", "TABLE2", "TABLE3" and schema "B" currently has the grants required to select data from all 3 tables. I have verified that I can select the data through a query, as well as the view that exists.
Does anyone know what might be preventing me from altering a working view when my schema "B" has granted access to schema "A" data within those three tables? I saw several suggestions from google and various sites mentioning granting select "with grant option", which I have tried, but I do not see how it would apply when I am selecting data directly from the owner, not from a grantee. The error message is below:
SQL Error: ORA-01720: grant option does not exist for 'A.TABLE1'
01720. 00000 - "grant option does not exist for '%s.%s'"
*Cause: A grant was being performed on a view or a view was being replaced
and the grant option was not present for an underlying object.
*Action: Obtain the grant option on all underlying objects of the view or
revoke existing grants on the view.
grant select on a.table1 to b with grant option
, and do the same for table2 and table3? Or that those grants have fixed the issue but you want to understand why it was necessary? – Peritonitis