Simple. If I use:
public void Add(params int[] values)
Then I can use this as:
Add(1, 2, 3, 4);
But now I'm dealing with key-value pairs! I have a KeyValue class to link an integer to a string value. So I start with:
public void Add(params KeyValue[] values)
But I can't use this:
Add(1, "A", 2, "B", 3, "C", 4, "D");
Instead, I'm forced to use:
Add(new KeyValue(1, "A"), new KeyValue(2, "B"), new KeyValue(3, "C"), new KeyValue(4, "D"));
Ewww... Already I dislike this...
So, right now I use the Add function without the params modifier and just pass a pre-defined array to this function. Since it's just used for a quick initialization for a test, I'm not too much troubled about needing this additional code, although I want to keep the code simple to read. I would love to know a trick to use the method I can't use but is there any way to do this without using the "new KeyValue()" construction?
KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>
? – Paratrooper