I'd like to provide a queuepath and get the number of messages thereupon. Any advice on how this could be done?
So, I saw this: What can I do with C# and Powershell? and went here:http://jopinblog.wordpress.com/2008/03/12/counting-messages-in-an-msmq-messagequeue-from-c/
And made this
# Add the .NET assembly MSMQ to the environment.
# Create a new QueueSizer .NET class help to warp MSMQ calls.
$qsource = @"
public class QueueSizer
public static System.Messaging.Message PeekWithoutTimeout(System.Messaging.MessageQueue q, System.Messaging.Cursor cursor, System.Messaging.PeekAction action)
System.Messaging.Message ret = null;
// Peek at the queue, but timeout in one clock tick.
ret = q.Peek(new System.TimeSpan(1), cursor, action);
catch (System.Messaging.MessageQueueException mqe)
// Trap MSMQ exceptions but only ones relating to timeout. Bubble up any other MSMQ exceptions.
if (!mqe.Message.ToLower().Contains("timeout"))
return ret;
// Main message counting method.
public static int GetMessageCount(string queuepath)
// Get a specific MSMQ queue by name.
System.Messaging.MessageQueue q = new System.Messaging.MessageQueue(queuepath);
int count = 0;
// Create a cursor to store the current position in the queue.
System.Messaging.Cursor cursor = q.CreateCursor();
// Have quick peak at the queue.
System.Messaging.Message m = PeekWithoutTimeout(q, cursor, System.Messaging.PeekAction.Current);
if (m != null)
count = 1;
// Keep on iterating through the queue and keep count of the number of messages that are found.
while ((m = PeekWithoutTimeout(q, cursor, System.Messaging.PeekAction.Next)) != null)
// Return the tally.
return count;
# Add the new QueueSizer class helper to the environment.
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $qsource -ReferencedAssemblies C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Messaging\\System.Messaging.dll
# Call the helper and get the message count.
And it worked.
This will list all queues on a machine and the number of messages:
gwmi -class Win32_PerfRawData_MSMQ_MSMQQueue -computerName $computerName |
ft -prop Name, MessagesInQueue
PowerShell under Windows Server 2012/2012 R2 and Windows 8/8.1 has a bunch built-in Cmdlets that can be used by installing the Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) Server Core feature.
# Get all message queues
# Get all the private message queues.
# Display only the QueueName and MessageCount for each queue.
Get-MsmqQueue -QueueType Private | Format-Table -Property QueueName,MessageCount;
There is a number of other Cmdlets that can be used for queue management and message creation. i.e.
- New-MsmqQueue
- Remove-MsmqQueue
- Send-MsmqQueue
- Receive-MsmqQueue
- Get-MsmqQueueManager
For the full list of MSMQ Cmdlet help see MSMQ Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell, or Get-Command -Module MSMQ
if you already have the feature installed.
So, I saw this: What can I do with C# and Powershell? and went here:http://jopinblog.wordpress.com/2008/03/12/counting-messages-in-an-msmq-messagequeue-from-c/
And made this
# Add the .NET assembly MSMQ to the environment.
# Create a new QueueSizer .NET class help to warp MSMQ calls.
$qsource = @"
public class QueueSizer
public static System.Messaging.Message PeekWithoutTimeout(System.Messaging.MessageQueue q, System.Messaging.Cursor cursor, System.Messaging.PeekAction action)
System.Messaging.Message ret = null;
// Peek at the queue, but timeout in one clock tick.
ret = q.Peek(new System.TimeSpan(1), cursor, action);
catch (System.Messaging.MessageQueueException mqe)
// Trap MSMQ exceptions but only ones relating to timeout. Bubble up any other MSMQ exceptions.
if (!mqe.Message.ToLower().Contains("timeout"))
return ret;
// Main message counting method.
public static int GetMessageCount(string queuepath)
// Get a specific MSMQ queue by name.
System.Messaging.MessageQueue q = new System.Messaging.MessageQueue(queuepath);
int count = 0;
// Create a cursor to store the current position in the queue.
System.Messaging.Cursor cursor = q.CreateCursor();
// Have quick peak at the queue.
System.Messaging.Message m = PeekWithoutTimeout(q, cursor, System.Messaging.PeekAction.Current);
if (m != null)
count = 1;
// Keep on iterating through the queue and keep count of the number of messages that are found.
while ((m = PeekWithoutTimeout(q, cursor, System.Messaging.PeekAction.Next)) != null)
// Return the tally.
return count;
# Add the new QueueSizer class helper to the environment.
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $qsource -ReferencedAssemblies C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Messaging\\System.Messaging.dll
# Call the helper and get the message count.
And it worked.
The solution provided by Irwin is less than idea.
There is a .GetAllMessages
call you can make to have this done in one check, instead of a foreach loop.
$QueueName = "MycomputerName\MyQueueName"
$QueuesFromDotNet = new-object System.Messaging.MessageQueue $QueueName
If($QueuesFromDotNet.GetAllMessages().Length -gt $Curr)
//Do Something
The .Length
gives you the number of messages in the given queue.
following the presciptions from this link, you can use
$queues = Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_msmq_MSMQQueue
$queues | ft -property Name,MessagesInQueue
to get the size of the local queues, or
$host = ...
$cred = get-credential
$queues = Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_msmq_MSMQQueue -computer $host -credential $cred
$queues | ft -property Name,MessagesInQueue
for remote queues.
There are a set of MSMQ management cmdlets in the PowerShell Community Extensions. Give these a try and see if any of them help (probably Get-MSMQueue):
Note: Try grabbing the beta 2.0 module-based distrubtion - just remember to "unblock" the zip before unzipping it.
Use this for your c# block to get the count. It uses performance counter to query a single time:
public static int GetMessageCount(string machineName, string queuepath)
var queueCounter = new PerformanceCounter(
"MSMQ Queue",
"Messages in Queue",
string.Format("{0}\\{1}", machineName, queuepath),
return (int)queueCounter.NextValue();
This is more efficient than a repetitive peek, as the work is mostly done on the remote machine, also more efficient than GetAllMessages, as this returns additional message data, then counts the elements - terrible performance at any real load.
I have been hunting high and low for information on accessing queues in a cluster.
For others trying to use powershell commands on clustered queues:
On one of the cluster nodes:
$env:computername = "MsmqHostName"
Get-MsmqQueue | Format-Table -Property QueueName,MessageCount
remote from the cluster:
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {$env:computername = "msmqHostName";Get-MsmqQueue | Format-Table -Property QueueName,MessageCount } -ComputerName ClusternNodeName
Try one of these...
function GetMessageCount2($queuename)
$queuename = $env:computername + "\" + $queuename
return (Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_msmq_MSMQQueue | Where-Object -filterscript {$_.Name -eq $queuename}).MessagesinQueue
function GetMessageCount3($queuename)
return (Get-MsmqQueue | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.QueueName -eq $queuename}).MessageCount
I was looking for a good answer to this, and while Irwin's answer put me on the right basis I was looking for some code that was a bit more Powershell-ish. The main reason for that is to deal with changes, as you can't Add-Type
multiple times due to the type being loaded in the .Net runtime, and can't be unloaded without closing your powershell instance.
So I took his answer and came up with:
# Add the .NET assembly MSMQ to the environment.
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Messaging") | out-Null
function Get-QueueNames([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$machineName, [String]$servicePrefix)
[System.Messaging.MessageQueue]::GetPrivateQueuesByMachine($machineName) |
ForEach-Object { $_.Path } |
Where-Object { $_ -like "*$($servicePrefix).*" }
function Get-MessageCount([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$queueName)
function HasMessage
$hasMessage = $false
$timeout = New-Object System.TimeSpan -ArgumentList 1
$message = $queue.Peek($timeout, $cursor, $action)
if ($message -ne $null)
$hasMessage = $true
catch [System.Messaging.MessageQueueException]
# Only trap timeout related exceptions
if ($_.Exception.Message -notmatch "timeout")
$count = 0
$queue = New-Object System.Messaging.MessageQueue -ArgumentList $queueName
$cursor = $queue.CreateCursor()
$action = [System.Messaging.PeekAction]::Current
$hasMessage = HasMessage $queue $cursor $action
while ($hasMessage)
$action = [System.Messaging.PeekAction]::Next
$hasMessage = HasMessage $queue $cursor $action
$machineName = "."
$prefix = "something"
Get-QueueNames $machineName $prefix |
ForEach-Object {
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
QueueName = $_
MessageCount = Get-MessageCount $_
It can be optimized so that the first function returns queues instead of the queue names, but I needed both for different scenarios.
winrm s winrm/config/client '@{TrustedHosts="yourIp"}'
$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString "YourPassword" -AsPlainText -force
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential("Domain\Usernama",$securePassword)
$session = New-PSSession YourIP -credential $credential
$command = {Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_msmq_MSMQQueue | ft -property Name,MessagesinJournalQueue,MessagesInQueue | out-String}
Invoke-Command -session $session -scriptblock $command
This worked for me
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Messaging") | Out-Null
$AlertCount = 39
$queuePath = ".\private$\test.pdpvts.error"
$queue = New-Object System.Messaging.MessageQueue $queuePath
If($queue.GetAllMessages().Length -gt $AlertCount)
Send-MailMessage -To "Me" -From "Alerts" -Subject "Message queue is full" -Credential mycridentials -UseSsl -SmtpServer mail.google.com
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