If you have a PSD in W/Hz i.e. 100 W/Hz then you have 50 dBm/Hz. dB/Hz or is often vaguely and generically used instead of dBm/Hz. Audacity uses dB as shorthand for dBFS (not dBFS/Hz, because it is computing a DFT, and discrete frequencies use a power spectrum and not a density) . A digital signal that reaches 50% of the maximum level has an amplitude of −6 dBFS, which is 6 dB below full scale – the removal of the MSB, hence the 6dB/bit figure (because 50% of maximum level is 25% of maximum power; 1/4 = - 6dB)
dBm is the logarithmic ratio of the power with respect to 1mW, you divide the power by 1mW to get a unitless ratio, and then take the logarithm to get dB units, which in this case makes more sense to be clarified as dBm.
dBc/Hz is the ratio with respect to the carrier power, which is a ratio of two dBm/Hz values, meaning you subtract them and you get dBc/Hz; you get the same result if you divide the two linear power levels in W and then convert the ratio to dB (or more appropriately dBc).
dB-Hz is a logarithmic measure of bandwidth with respect to 1Hz and
dBJ is a measure of spectral density as a logarithmic ratio to 1 joule, seeing as W/Hz is indeed J.
Power spectral density is a density function, so you need to integrate it to get the actual quantity, like a line Integral of a V/m electric field, or a probability density of probability per x. This does not make sense for discrete quantities and instead the power spectrum is used akin to a probability mass function. If you see dB (which should be used for the discrete frequency domain) instead of dBm/Hz then it's wrong, but if you see it instead of dBm then it's right, as long as it's made clear what the reference is.