I successfully compiled openssl using android ndk build and .so files are built successfully.
I am trying to 'include' built .so files in an android project.
Getting an error in below line:
#include "openssl/evp.h"
fatal error: openssl/evp.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. make: * [obj/local/armeabi/objs/iedemo/anotherdemo.o] Error 1
However, I am include stdio.h and string.h files.
I am explore /usr/include/openssl directory, I am able find all openssl related .h files here. And, stdio.h and string.h files are present in /usr/include directory.
I have installed libssl-dev package too. Command (sudo apt-get install libssl-dev)
Please help me!!
E: Unable to locate package openssl-devel
– Ununa