Usually you can use the POSIX
api and use fork
and wait
and some I/O related functions for your purpose
fun main() {
val childPid: pid_t = fork()
if (childPid == 0) {
val commands = listOf("git", "diff", "HEAD^1", "$projectDir/path/to/file", null)
val cwd = "$projectDir"
memScoped {
execvp(commands[0], allocArrayOf( { it?.cstr?.ptr }))
} else {
Of course, this needs to deal with a lot of c-style code, so I also wrote a more practical library for this
repositories {
// add dependencies into your native target sourceSet
dependencies {
It is also very simple to use
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val diffResult = Command("git")
.args("diff", "HEAD^1", "$projectDir/path/to/file")