I get the base64-encoded image form the canvas as:
var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL( "image/png" );
Then I turn it into data like this:
//Remove the beginning identifier and use Chrome/Firefox?safari built int base64Decoder
var data = atob( dataURL.substring( "data:image/png;base64,".length ) );
Then I write it to the filesystem via:
//The success handler
writerEvent.onwriteend = function(finishEvent)
//Error handler
writerEvent.onerror = settings.error;
// Create a new Blob
var blob = new Blob( [ data ], { type: "image/png" } );
//Write it into the path
writerEvent.write( blob );
I try to set it as src of an image like this:
document.getElementById( "saved" ).src = event.toURL();
That writes the file and I am able to find it and get a url (by reading it and using the event: event.toURL()
. But the image shows as a broken image icon on the web page. What am I doing wrong?
object? Can you show the code you're using to read the file? – Camorra