I couldn't find an answer to this anywhere, so here's my solution.
The question is: how can you calculate a power set in R?
It is possible to do this with the library "sets", with the command 2^as.set(c(1,2,3,4))
, which yields the output {{}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {2, 3}, {2,
4}, {3, 4}, {1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 4}, {1, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 4}, {1,
2, 3, 4}}
. However, this uses a recursive algorithm, which is rather slow.
Here's the algorithm I came up with.
It's non-recursive, so it's much faster than some of the other solutions out there (and ~100x faster on my machine than the algorithm in the "sets" package). The speed is still O(2^n).
The conceptual basis for this algorithm is the following:
for each element in the set:
for each subset constructed so far:
new subset = (subset + element)
Here's the R code:
EDIT: here's a somewhat faster version of the same concept; my original algorithm is in the third comment to this post. This one is 30% faster on my machine for a set of length 19.
powerset = function(s){
len = length(s)
l = vector(mode="list",length=2^len) ; l[[1]]=numeric()
counter = 1L
for(x in 1L:length(s)){
for(subset in 1L:counter){
l[[counter]] = c(l[[subset]],s[x])
This version saves time by initiating the vector with its final length at the start and keeping track with the "counter" variable of the position at which to save new subsets. It's also possible to calculate the position analytically, but that was slightly slower.
powerset1 = function(set){ ps = vector(mode="list",length=length(set)^2); ps[[1]] = numeric(); for(e in 1:length(set)){ f = 2^(e-1); for(subset in 1:f){ ps[[f+subset]] = c(ps[[subset]],set[e]); } } ; return(ps) }
– Settlingstemp
is a compromise between the speed costs of doing arithmetic and of creating new lists. – Settlingsset_power()
in the sets library should also work. – Relative