I'm pretty new to xUnit and here's what I'd like to achieve:
[InlineData((Config y) => y.Param1)]
[InlineData((Config y) => y.Param2)]
public void HasConfiguration(Func<Config, string> item)
var configuration = serviceProvider.GetService<GenericConfig>();
var x = item(configuration.Config1); // Config1 is of type Config
Basically, I have a GenericConfig object which contains Config and other kind of configurations, but I need to check that every single parameter is valid. Since they're all string, I wanted to simplify using [InlineData] attribute instead of writing N equals tests.
Unfortunately the error I'm getting is "Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'object[]' because it's not a delegate type", which is pretty much clear.
Do you have any idea on how to overcome this?