I have my custom resources directory for my bundle where there are some files:
|-- bootstrap
| |-- css
| | |-- bootstrap-theme.css
| | |-- bootstrap-theme.min.css
| | |-- bootstrap.css
| | |-- bootstrap.min.css
| | `-- carousel.css
| |-- fonts
| | |-- glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
| | |-- glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
| | |-- glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
| | `-- glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
| `-- js
| |-- bootstrap.js
| |-- bootstrap.min.js
| |-- holder.js
| `-- respond.min.js
|-- css
| `-- custom.css
|-- fonts
| |-- glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
| |-- glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
| `-- glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
|-- images
|-- img
`-- js
|-- html5shiv.js
|-- jquery-1.10.2.min.map
|-- jquery.js
`-- less-1.3.3.min.js
And all js and css files are correctly put to public folder, thus i can access to bootstrap/css/xxx.css
files and so on, except font files.
I dont know what I should do to get them copied to the web
directory. If I try php app/console assetic:dump
then only the css and js files are copied:
php app/console assetic:dump
Dumping all dev assets.
Debug mode is on.
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/css/bef717e.css
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/css/bef717e_bootstrap.min_1.css
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/6f9045a.js
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/6f9045a_html5shiv_1.js
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/6f9045a_respond.min_2.js
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/css/0c1e28e.css
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/css/0c1e28e_carousel_1.css
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/0aa0509.js
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/0aa0509_jquery_1.js
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/0aa0509_bootstrap.min_2.js
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/0aa0509_holder_3.js
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/0aa0509_less-1.3.3.min_4.js
What should I do to include font files too? I'm having the same problem with jquery-1.10.2.min.map
, which is downloaded dynamically.
Is there any way to say to symfony "hey put it in the web resource folder, because some of my components need it"?