I'm trying to write a custom Json serializer in play for a case class but I don't want it to serialize all the fields of the class. I'm pretty new to Scala, so that is surely the problem but this is what I tried so far:
case class Foo(a: String, b: Int, c: Double)
Now the default way of doing this, as far as I saw in the examples is:
implicit val fooWrites: Writes[Foo] = (
(__ \ "a").write[String] and
(__ \ "b").write[Int]
(__ \ "c").write[Double]
) (unlift(Foo.unapply))
But what if I want to omit "c" from the Json output? I've tried this so far but it doesn't compile:
implicit val fooWritesAlt: Writes[Foo] = (
(__ \ "a").write[String] and
(__ \ "b").write[Int]
) (unlift({(f: Foo) => Some((f.a, f.b))}))
Any help is greatly appreciated!