TypeError: "Cannot convert string to ByteString because the character at index 519 has value 8230 which is greater than 255."
Asked Answered



I'm currently working in laravel and react js. I've made API end points in laravel for login registration with laravel passport. Now, I've made following route to get user details when api_token is provided.


Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth:api'], function(){
    Route::post('details', 'API\UserController@details');

Here is controller,


 * details api 
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response 
public function details() 
    $user = Auth::user(); 
    return response()->json(['success' => $user], $this->successStatus); 


import React,{Component} from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';

export default class Home extends Component{
        this.state = {
            name: '',
            email: '',
    componentDidMount() {
                headers: {
                    'Authorization':'Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6ImNmMTkxMjQ0ZWVhZmJlZjNmMDljM2ExMDc0MzgwZjE2ZGY2MGY3YTAwOGI0ZmQyZjY4OTI2NWJiZWJlNGIzNTU0ZDNhZGM1ZDNhOTk2ODgzIn0.eyJhdWQiOiIzIiwianRpIjoiY2YxOTEyNDRlZWFmYmVmM2YwOWMzYTEwNzQzODBmMTZkZjYwZjdhMDA4YjRmZDJmNjg5MjY1YmJlYmU0YjM1NTRkM2FkYzVkM2E5OTY4ODMiLCJpYXQiOjE1NDU1ODQ4ODYsIm5iZiI6MTU0NTU4NDg4NiwiZXhwIjoxNTc3MTIwODg2LCJzdWIiOiIxIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXX0.rRgHTChM8n-3r6syYaH9t0KKQLYLki9_jAsg6UUtX5Y3KUznr8IuAQnPKpuy-6jirEtjB6lG5GA6z7vHonp0YH-dWR3VxRfw_69vf6DfV0Z1yVzqitz7h-zsbC4j…BT_roRITEVusZWogUcpgMrvZs-jbVpfb6DpfNE0RA9ID2t_LSK9wlIc7_LeZFgqwPhBr90aUjpWQNnAfPg8l_DiWWAZLWoSRlYswQ9pQkIwyI-QYfTfIXxAKDdnOTLn7u4cLx1a_lj0IrIudlLPAPI3gqeJWzYYD8e3y7TuQtUv3zvb7rzW-AT6dV2RQO-bzd4OZDraRzrRbhc1qmYy1v0o0FkRxKgIagx69iIjwEyH7wwG08tq9OSptRtviGKZk1cu5T9qywDc4fA61_3lEPPACh_hUgdUc7qOnaKk3mU8nfnonSA0NQzfV_nK9PvGG_NzUQVk4Gei3YEqsUBl-JgofIEO310OBL9cgfa7cFjPMaw90o6XcP9c3abZZFHWGhVJPSrzyLidr_rC2RVhX5M7UvNDxS5Rw-bOWpQiYhd69_-Jk3B92gFWbLk4IBRqkaxGhEmV7netaTkFDF_e0f-R7HjUhicDJe6HQKCBFqzsAwSyax7NoFquWxZeJ4EA',
        ).then(response => {
                    name: response.success.name,
                    email: response.success.email


                <h4>Name: {this.state.name}</h4>
                <h4>Email: {this.state.email}</h4>

When I send the request with api_token, I've got following error.

TypeError: "Cannot convert string to ByteString because the character at index 519 has value 8230 which is greater than 255."

setRequestHeader http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:876:11

forEach http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:2339:9

dispatchXhrRequest http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:870:7

xhrAdapter http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:762:10

dispatchRequest http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:1375:10

What I'm doing wrong any suggestion/help is appreciated.

Dandle answered 23/12, 2018 at 17:46 Comment(8)
Can you please add your response jsonCyrus
@AaminKhan I've not got json response, just got above errorDandle
Do you mean you didn't get any response back from
@AaminKhan, when i send request from postman it works perfectly but the above error when i send request from axios. I'm sorry, I'm new to react jsDandle
Also it should be response.data.success.name - usually it is if you not modified the response structure form laravelCyrus
@AaminKhan still same errorDandle
Let us continue this discussion in chat.Cyrus
@AaminKhan okayDandle

I encountered the same error and found out that it was due to the header string containing Unicode characters. In the above example, the Authorization header contains “…”.

Czar answered 14/3, 2020 at 12:0 Comment(1)
I upvoted this answer, because I had the same issue. The difference was only that my Authorization header had wrong double-ticks. The problem occured because the auth header was sent via Slack. And I guess that Slack is escaping the original straight " ones to the italic “ ones. @Czar thanks again!Tancred

I just had this error in SvelteKit when redirecting using throw redirect(302, location) and it turns out the culprit was non-encoded unicode chars in URL searchParams. example: https://example.com/login?afterLogin=/route/with/weird/chars/like-żłć the solution is to encode the search params using encodeURIcomponent function.

Toxophilite answered 26/4, 2024 at 10:18 Comment(0)

In my case it was because of the existing "..." in the middle of the access token. I was extracting the token through the inspecting request via Firefox which used kind of ... in the middle of that (Most likely because of security). But Chrome doesn't. I extracted Tocken via Chrome and it worked fine. In that case postman simply returned "Error: Invalid character in header content ["Authorization"]"

enter image description here

Blancmange answered 21/8, 2024 at 18:43 Comment(0)

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