I'm working on a sveltekit app with a sidenav containing links. I can't get the active class styling on my links to work properly.
The links are components in NavLink.svelte:
import { page } from '$app/stores';
import Icon from '$lib/Icon.svelte';
export let title;
export let href;
<a {href} class="link" class:active={$page.path == href}>
<Icon {title} />
a.active {
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.24);
These links are used in SideNav.svelte:
import NavLink from '$lib/NavLink.svelte';
<nav class="container">
<div id="links">
<NavLink href="/link1" title="icon1" />
<NavLink href="/link2" title="icon2" />
<NavLink href="/link3" title="icon3" />
And finally, the sidenav is loaded in my __layout.svelte:
<SideNav />
<slot />
<Footer />
Now when I click one of my sidenav links, I am routed to the proper page but my NavLink is not styled with the .active
class. If I inspect the link, however, devtools shows me this: <a class="link active:true">
and the other links have active:false
So it looks like the function is working, but my active style is not applied (the background color). What am I missing?
I tried moving the Active class code to the SideNav component instead of the NavLink component and observed the same behavior. I could not figure it out, so I found a new method that works just fine.
In my NavLink.svelte:
import {onMount} from "svelte";
import Icon from '$lib/Icon.svelte';
let currentPath;
onMount(() => {
currentPath = window.location.pathname;
export let title;
export let href;
<a {href} class:active={currentPath == href}>
<Icon {title} />
And the rest of the code is the same. Now my links get the proper styling. It's worth noting that they simply have <a class="active">
and not <a class="active:true">
. Why wasn't it working with the other method?
<a {href} class:active=""{$page.path.includes(href)}">
– Bystander