Short answer:
Taking in account only brute force checking each key is available - No
Longer Answer:
In 2007 there was estimation that cost to crack 88 bits using brute force is 300M$ if you apply Moore's law you reduce this price by factor 4 or you might get 2 extra bits by now.
So you need like 2^38 more money to crack just single 128bit key. (approx 10^20 $)
Source 2:
From article abut 128 bit keys:
If you assume:
• Every person on the planet owns 10 computers.
• There are 7 billion people on the planet.
• Each of these computers can test 1 billion key combinations per second.
• On average, you can crack the key after testing 50 percent of the possibilities.
Then (see calculation reference in Appendix):
• The earth’s population can crack one encryption key (one drive only) in 77,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years!
• In case you’re wondering, cracking the second key/drive would take another 77,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years.
I just noticed, it is not calculated correct. Correct answer is 77e9 years (still bunch for our civilisation).
Extra (bitcoin based assumptions):
At this date (year 2017) we can probably take bitcoin mining system as largest known brute force machinery and take price of mining and bitcoin as baseline for our assumptions.
Checking one sha256 is roughly same complexity as trying one symmetric key like AES or something else.
According to this site current rate of hashes that are tried is (D * 2**32 / 600) where D is current bitcoin difficulty (678760110082.9902)
This system produces approx 5e+18 hashes per second. Each block is produced every 10min and yields as of today 12.50 coins. Price of coin is 2.5k.
One hash thus cost.
(12.50 * 2.5e3) / (5e18 * 600) = 1.0e-17.
Cracking one 128 bit key, today (June/2017) costs approx. 1e-17 * 2^128 = 3.5e+21
This would take 2^128 / (5e18*3.14e7) = 2.1e12 years with bitcoin mining system.