opendir(DIR,"$pwd") or die "Cannot open $pwd\n";
my @files = readdir(DIR);
foreach my $file (@files) {
next if ($file !~ /\.txt$/i);
my $mtime = (stat($file))[9];
print $mtime;
print "\n";
Basically I want to note the timestamp of all the txt files in a directory. If there is a subdirectory I want to include files in that subdirectory too.
Can someone help me in modifying the above code so that it includes subdirectories too.
if i am using the code below in windows iam getting timestamps of all files which are in folders even outside my folder
my @dirs = ("C:\\Users\\peter\\Desktop\\folder");
my %seen;
while (my $pwd = shift @dirs) {
opendir(DIR,"$pwd") or die "Cannot open $pwd\n";
my @files = readdir(DIR);
#print @files;
foreach my $file (@files) {
if (-d $file and !$seen{$file}) {
$seen{$file} = 1;
push @dirs, "$pwd/$file";
next if ($file !~ /\.txt$/i);
my $mtime = (stat("$pwd\$file"))[9];
print "$pwd $file $mtime";
print "\n";
$file !~ /^\.*$/
is$file =~ /[^.]/
. But I have been severely reprimanded in the past for excluding names that are just three dots or longer, as they are valid names for Linux files. So the test should be$file !~ /^\.\.?$/
– Ravid