public static ArrayList<IntPoint> getCircleLineIntersectionPoint(IntPoint pointA, IntPoint pointB, IntPoint center, int radius) {
// returns a list of intersection points between a line which passes through given points,
// pointA and pointB, and a circle described by given radius and center coordinate
double disc, A, B, C, slope, c;
double x1, x2, y1, y2;
IntPoint point1, point2;
ArrayList<IntPoint> intersections = new ArrayList<IntPoint>();
slope = Util.calculateSlope(pointA, pointB);
}catch (UndefinedSlopeException e){
C = Math.pow(center.y, 2) + Math.pow(pointB.x, 2) - 2 * pointB.x * center.x + Math.pow(center.x, 2) - Math.pow(radius, 2);
B = -2 * center.y;
A = 1;
disc = Math.pow(B, 2) - 4 * 1 * C;
if (disc < 0){
return intersections;
y1 = (-B + Math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * A);
y2 = (-B - Math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * A);
x1 = pointB.x;
x2 = pointB.x;
point1 = new IntPoint((int)x1, (int)y1);
point2 = new IntPoint((int)x2, (int)y2);
if (Util.euclideanDistance(pointA, point2) > Util.euclideanDistance(pointA, point1)){
return intersections;
if (slope == 0){
C = Math.pow(center.x, 2) + Math.pow(center.y, 2) + Math.pow(pointB.y, 2) - 2 * pointB.y * center.y - Math.pow(radius, 2);
B = -2 * center.x;
A = 1;
disc = Math.pow(B, 2) - 4 * 1 * C;
if (disc < 0){
return intersections;
x1 = (-B + Math.sqrt(disc)) / (2*A);
x2 = (-B - Math.sqrt(disc)) / (2*A);
y1 = pointB.y;
y2 = pointB.y;
c = slope * pointA.x + pointA.y;
B = (2 * center.x + 2 * center.y * slope + 2 * c * slope);
A = 1 + Math.pow(slope, 2);
C = (Math.pow(center.x, 2) + Math.pow(c, 2) + 2 * center.y * c + Math.pow(center.y, 2) - Math.pow(radius, 2));
disc = Math.pow(B, 2) - (4 * A * C);
if (disc < 0){
return intersections;
x1 = (-B + Math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * A);
x2 = (-B - Math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * A);
y1 = slope * x1 - c;
y2 = slope * x2 - c;
point1 = new IntPoint((int)x1, (int)y1);
point2 = new IntPoint((int)x2, (int)y2);
if (Util.euclideanDistance(pointA, point2) > Util.euclideanDistance(pointA, point1)){
//if (Util.angleBetween(pointA, pointB, point1) < Math.PI/2){
//if (Util.angleBetween(pointA, pointB, point1) < Math.PI/2){
return intersections;
I am using the above algorithm to test for intersection between a circle and a line. It works fine sometimes but at other times it fails. The code represents the equation which is derived from solving for x simultaneously from circle and line equations (x-a)^+(y-b)^2=r^2
and y = mx - mx1 + y1
. Has anyone got an idea where I am going wrong either in my maths or elsewhere?
is a good start, though.) That aside, I also would not expect the points you are looking for to have integer coordinates, so the casting seems very dubious. – Lethaint radius
argument. I believe only the radius's square is an integer in your example. – Letha