I have created a basic bar chart in plotly that I would like to sort by descending order.
I couldn't find an easy way to specify this in the plotly syntax, so I tried modifying the dataframe with Pandas. This also hasn't worked.
My code is below:
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/Documents/Python/CKANMay.csv')
sd = df.nlargest(3,'Views')
fd = sd.sort_values(by='Views', ascending = False)
my_data = [go.Bar( x = fd.Views, y = fd.Publisher, orientation = 'h')]
my_layout = ({"title": "Most popular publishers",
"yaxis": {"title":"Publisher"},
"xaxis": {"title":"Views"},
"showlegend": False})
fig = go.Figure(data = my_data, layout = my_layout)
I would like to invert the bar chart, so that the column with the greatest value is on the top. Appreciative for any assistance.