I did something like this when I needed to interact with the Gravatar service. I tried to use fakes/mocks but found it was impossible with HttpClient. Instead, I came up with a custom HttpMessageHandler class that lets me pre-load the expected response, along these lines:
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Tigra.Gravatar.LogFetcher.Specifications
/// <summary>
/// Class LoggingHttpMessageHandler.
/// Provides a fake HttpMessageHandler that can be injected into HttpClient.
/// The class requires a ready-made response message to be passed in the constructor,
/// which is simply returned when requested. Additionally, the web request is logged in the
/// RequestMessage property for later examination.
/// </summary>
public class LoggingHttpMessageHandler : DelegatingHandler
internal HttpResponseMessage ResponseMessage { get; private set; }
internal HttpRequestMessage RequestMessage { get; private set; }
public LoggingHttpMessageHandler(HttpResponseMessage responseMessage)
ResponseMessage = responseMessage;
protected override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
RequestMessage = request;
return Task.FromResult(ResponseMessage);
Then my test context setup goes something like this:
public class with_fake_gravatar_web_service
Establish context = () =>
MessageHandler = new LoggingHttpMessageHandler(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK));
GravatarClient = new HttpClient(MessageHandler);
Filesystem = A.Fake<FakeFileSystemWrapper>();
Fetcher = new GravatarFetcher(Committers, GravatarClient, Filesystem);
protected static LoggingHttpMessageHandler MessageHandler;
protected static HttpClient GravatarClient;
protected static FakeFileSystemWrapper Filesystem;
Then, here's an example of a test (specification) that uses it:
[Subject(typeof(GravatarFetcher), "Web service")]
public class when_fetching_imagaes_from_gravatar_web_service : with_fake_gravatar_web_service
Because of = () =>
var result = Fetcher.FetchGravatars(@"c:\"); // This makes the web request
//"http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/".md5_hex(lc $email)."?d=404&size=".$size;
UriPath = MessageHandler.RequestMessage.RequestUri.GetComponents(UriComponents.Path, UriFormat.Unescaped);
It should_make_request_from_gravatar_dot_com =
() => MessageHandler.RequestMessage.RequestUri.Host.ShouldEqual("www.gravatar.com");
It should_make_a_get_request = () => MessageHandler.RequestMessage.Method.ShouldEqual(HttpMethod.Get);
// see https://en.gravatar.com/site/check/[email protected]
It should_request_the_gravatar_hash_for_tim_long =
() => UriPath.ShouldStartWith("avatar/df0478426c0e47cc5e557d5391e5255d");
static string UriPath;
You can see the full source at http://stash.teamserver.tigranetworks.co.uk/users/timlong/repos/tigra.gravatar.logfetcher/browse