I am making an app for car finding.I am showing result in gridview and also have a sliding menu on right hand side(for search filter).I have made this whole app with the help of fragments.In the gridview I have a load more footer at bottom, when I click on 12th position gridview , I am starting another fragments like this:
and in ProductDetailFragment I have a back button,to go back on previous fragment like this:
Now when I came back again data shows from 0-10th item.
In goToFragment() I have write this code:
public static void goToFragment(Fragment fragment) {
Fragment tmp = fm.findFragmentByTag(fragment.getClass().getName());
if (tmp != null && tmp.isVisible())
ft = fm.beginTransaction();
ft.replace(R.id.main_fragment, fragment, fragment.getClass().getName());
currentTag = fragment.getClass().getName();
I want to avoid data reload when come back from ProductDetailFragment.If I used Activity then I can use onBackPressed() to back and avoid reloading but in Fragment when I pressed app's back button ,It reload the SearchDetatilFragment,which is very annoying..Please help me..Thanks in advance.