I have a somewhat complex typeclass situation in the following format:
sealed trait TypeClass[S <: MyType] {
type Out <: MyType
sealed trait LowPriorityTypeClass {
// Case: OtherTypeClass is NOT defined for the input type S.
// The output type is the same as the input type.
implicit def default[S <: MyType]: TypeClass.Aux[S, S] = ???
object TypeClass extends LowPriorityTypeClass {
type Aux[S <: MyType, O <: MyType] = TypeClass[S] { type Out = O }
// Case: OtherTypeClass is defined for the input type S.
// The output type is the same as in the OtherTypeClass definition.
implicit def hasOtherTC[S <: MyType, O <: MyType](
implicit otherTC: OtherTypeClass.Aux[S, O],
): TypeClass.Aux[S, O] = ???
The default
definition was put in the LowPriorityTypeClass
trait with the intention of having a lower priority. However, an ambiguity with hasOtherTC
still happens for some type S
, apparently because the declaration of default
is more specific than the declaration of hasOtherTC
for that type S
Is there a general way to ensure that an implicit definition will always have a higher/lower priority than other definition? (My question is not for the specific code above.)
Let me know if posting a more complete sample code would help.