Technically implementation of -ignorenonexistent
is pretty simple, you may check this here from Django 1.5 source code.
So you need the same check somewhere here.
But how to achieve that?
According to Django 1.4.x (this page is loaded pretty slowly) this version of Django already had SERIALIZATION_MODULES
setting. You can leverage it (why it can be useful you may check here).
# you need this for time of import-procedure only
# and only when you need behaviour of -ignorenonexistent option
# so use whatever you want: deleting\commenting\env.variable\whatever
SERIALIZATION_MODULES = { 'python': '' }
In you module path/to/module/with/your/serializer/
place the exact copy of this file (or just use inheritance to do less copy-pasting). And add the necessary check right into this file.
P.S.: You may hardcode you check or made it activated by environment variable too, whatever.
P.S.2: Shame on me but I realised only now that this a 9-year old question)) Stackoverflow, why you suggested me exact that question?))