A jquery plugin to get selection index start and end in text area. The above javascript codes didnt work for IE7 and IE8 and gave very inconsistent results, so I have written this small jquery plugin. Allows to temporarily save start and end index of the selection and hightlight the selection at a later time.
A working example and brief version is here: http://jsfiddle.net/hYuzk/3/
A more details version with comments etc. is here: http://jsfiddle.net/hYuzk/4/
// Cross browser plugins to set or get selection/caret position in textarea, input fields etc for IE7,IE8,IE9, FF, Chrome, Safari etc
// Gets or sets a selection or caret position in textarea, input field etc.
// Usage Example: select text from index 2 to 5 --> $('#myTextArea').caretSelection({start: 2, end: 5});
// get selected text or caret position --> $('#myTextArea').caretSelection();
// if start and end positions are the same, caret position will be set instead o fmaking a selection
caretSelection : function(options)
if(options && !isNaN(options.start) && !isNaN(options.end))
return this.getCaretSelection();
setCaretSelection : function(options)
var inp = this[0];
var selRange = inp.createTextRange();
selRange.moveStart('character', options.start);
selRange.moveEnd('character',options.end - options.start);
else if(inp.setSelectionRange)
inp.setSelectionRange(options.start, options.end);
getCaretSelection: function()
var inp = this[0], start = 0, end = 0;
start = inp.selectionStart;
end = inp.selectionEnd;
else if( inp.createTextRange )
var inpTxtLen = inp.value.length, jqueryTxtLen = this.val().length;
var inpRange = inp.createTextRange(), collapsedRange = inp.createTextRange();
start = inpRange.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', collapsedRange) > -1 ? jqueryTxtLen : inpRange.moveStart('character', -inpTxtLen);
end = inpRange.compareEndPoints('EndToEnd', collapsedRange) > -1 ? jqueryTxtLen : inpRange.moveEnd('character', -inpTxtLen);
return {start: Math.abs(start), end: Math.abs(end)};
// Usage: $('#txtArea').replaceCaretSelection({start: startIndex, end: endIndex, text: 'text to replace with', insPos: 'before|after|select'})
// Options start: start index of the text to be replaced
// end: end index of the text to be replaced
// text: text to replace the selection with
// insPos: indicates whether to place the caret 'before' or 'after' the replacement text, 'select' will select the replacement text
replaceCaretSelection: function(options)
var pos = this.caretSelection();
this.val( this.val().substring(0,pos.start) + options.text + this.val().substring(pos.end) );
if(options.insPos == 'before')
this.caretSelection({start: pos.start, end: pos.start});
else if( options.insPos == 'after' )
this.caretSelection({start: pos.start + options.text.length, end: pos.start + options.text.length});
else if( options.insPos == 'select' )
this.caretSelection({start: pos.start, end: pos.start + options.text.length});