I´m trying to implement lighting estimation with new Google's API Environmental HDR. I'm following the instructions in developer guide, but I don't know how to implement the app-specific code.
I have configure the session like this:
And put this code in my update call
private void onSceneUpdate(FrameTime frameTime) {
if (fragment instanceof ArFragment && loadedRenderable) {
if ( frame == null )
LightEstimate lightEstimate = frame.getLightEstimate();
// note - currently only out param.
float[] intensity = lightEstimate.getEnvironmentalHdrMainLightIntensity();
float[] direction = lightEstimate.getEnvironmentalHdrMainLightDirection();
//app.setDirectionalLightValues(intensity, direction);
float[] harmonics = lightEstimate.getEnvironmentalHdrAmbientSphericalHarmonics();
//app.setAmbientSphericalHarmonicsLightValues(harmonics); // app-specific code.
// Get HDR environmental lighting as a cubemap in linear color space.
Image[] lightmaps = lightEstimate.acquireEnvironmentalHdrCubeMap();
for (int i = 0; i < lightmaps.length /*should be 6*/; ++i) {
//app.UploadToTexture(i, lightmaps[i]);
I can't figure out what to do with the parameters provided by those methods
I just want to light the 3D model with the same light conditions as the scene. Can anyone help me to achieve this? Or provide any example?