In macos it is possible to auto hide the dock, and then set a delay with the line
defaults write autohide-delay -float <n>
where <n>
is the number of seconds the mouse has to hover over the dock for it to pop up.
It is also possible to auto hide the menu bar by going to System Preferences
-> General
-> Automatically hide and show the menu bar
What I haven't been able to find, and the subject of this post, is how to get the same delay functionality we have for the dock.
As described in this post, it's possible to hide the menu bar through a terminal with the command
defaults write NSGlobalDomain _HIHideMenuBar -bool true
so I tried the only logical thing I could come up with
defaults write NSGlobalDomain _HIHideMenuBar-delay -float <n>
which doesn't do anything (most likely because the option _HIHideMenuBar-delay
doesn't exist).