Consider the following:
- I am developing a static library X in C++ that, internally, uses the famous static library Y v2.0;
- I want to distribute only one library X', that is X with Y statically linked/merged for its internal use;
- A developer wants to use X' in his executable;
- Also, he needs Y v1.0 (not v2.0, as I do);
- Y v1.0 and v2.0 has some symbols in common, and some of these common symbols also behave differently.
I developed X with the strict requirement to use Y v2.0 for some it's internal business. This is to say that I cannot by any means revert to Y v1.0.
On the other side, the developer has similar restrictions to use Y v1.0.
As you can already argue, the question is: how can I link Y inside X without exporting Y symbols to avoid collisions? Y is well established, and possibly I'd not want to modify its source code or build settings (if publicly available).
To put things more onto Earth, I am in the process of designing an SDK that will for sure need some 3rd party libraries, let's say zlib.
In my development I'll rely on zlib v1. because I extensively and successfully used and tested it, and I cannot afford the SDK testing/fixing required if I change version.
All the statically or dinamically linked libraries the SDK will offer must hide the 3rd party static ones.
The potential customer could undergo similar restrictions (he needs zlib v7.8.9), so how can I avoid symbol collisions? Again, possibly without changing the original source code (namespacing etc.).
To complicate things, the SDK is multiplatform, implying I'd need different ways to solve the problem depending on the platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iOS, Android, ...) and compiler used (e.g., MSVC++ and g++).
Thank you.
It seems I am VENDOR2 of this question:
Linking with multiple versions of a library
bstpierre's answer seems a viable solution, but I'm not sure it works or if it can be reproduced on OSes other than *nix.
One Definition Rule
violation. – Ib