What is the preferred method of loading dependant queries with the LoaderManager API in Android? As of now the best I could come up with is something along the lines of:
public void onCreate( Bundle savedInstanceState ) {
getLoaderManager().initLoader( FIRST, null, this );
public void onLoadFinished( Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor data ) {
switch ( loader.getId() ) {
case FIRST:
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putInt( ID, somethingFromData( data ) );
getLoaderManager().restartLoader( SECOND, args, this );
case SECOND:
somethingElseFromData( data );
This works fine most of the time, but it crashes horribly under one special case. Say I launch a second activity or push a fragment on top of this that modifies the data of FIRST
. Now when I navigate back to the activity/fragment with the code above it first refreshes me with the old data of FIRST
, and since FIRST
initiates SECOND
is reloaded with the new data. Now since FIRST
is changed it is loaded again, which causes yet another load of SECOND
to initiate.
First of all if you count that that sums up to two loads of FIRST
(one old and one new) and three loads of SECOND
(two old and one new), which seams at least a bit wasteful. I don't really mind that, except it is a hassle to debug, but it also seems to me to behave non-deterministically, because you don't know which loads will finish first. Will I end up with the new data for SECOND
if the relation between FIRST
changed, or will I end up with the cached values?
I know that I can mitigate this by keeping score of when to restart the second loader, but there has to be a better way of doing this.
To clarify a bit: The problem is most prominent if rows in FIRST
contains a reference to rows in SECOND
and after the back navigation the row(s) in FIRST
loaded does not point to the same row(s) in SECOND
as before.
SELECT first.id, second.id FROM first JOIN second ON first.id = second.first
, where first or second is edited, will i get a new update fromLoaderManager
? – Burgwell