I am building a slack app connected with a Symfony application that uses slash commands and dialogs as UI to create new users, accounts and projects and store them in a database.
I use a slash command to trigger a dialog with input fields and store the submitted data in a database, send a 'user successfully created' message to slack as well as a 200 response with an empty body, as described in the documentation. However, when I fill in the input fields and press submit, I receive an error message with 'We had some trouble connecting. Try again?'. This error also prevents the dialog from closing.
The submitted data is still received correctly by my application and stored to the database and the 'user successfully created'-message is also send correctly to slack. So the whole process seems to work correctly, the only problem is that the dialog doesn't close and shows the error message.
I also tried to immediately send a http 200 response, without processing the submitted data first and this gives the same error message.
resolved the issue. – Muricate{}
body closed the dialog for me. – Watanabe