I'm having trouble getting Iron Router and Spiderable working together nicely in my Meteor.js app. If I test a url with ?_escaped_fragment_=
whilst running on my localhost it all works correctly but as soon as i push to our DigitalOcean production server i keep getting the following error when trying the same thing (check out http://hreglobal.com/?_escaped_fragment_=):
Error: Meteor code must always run within a Fiber. Try wrapping callbacks that you pass to non-Meteor libraries with Meteor.bindEnvironment.
at Object.Meteor._nodeCodeMustBeInFiber (packages/meteor/dynamics_nodejs.js:9)
at _.extend.get (packages/meteor/dynamics_nodejs.js:21)
at RouteController.lookupOption (packages/iron:router/lib/route_controller.js:66)
at new Controller.extend.constructor (packages/iron:router/lib/route_controller.js:26)
at ctor (packages/iron:core/lib/iron_core.js:88)
at Function.Route.createController (packages/iron:router/lib/route.js:133)
at Function.Router.createController (packages/iron:router/lib/router.js:185)
at Function.Router.dispatch (packages/iron:router/lib/router_server.js:39)
at Object.router (packages/iron:router/lib/router.js:15)
at next (/opt/hre/bundle/programs/server/npm/webapp/node_modules/connect/lib/proto.js:190:15)
Have been trying to find the cause for days now and starting to get a bit desperate. Any pointers welcome!