For time-consuming tasks (email sending, image manipulation… you get the point), I want to run asynchronous PHP tasks.
It is quite easy on Linux, but I'm looking for a method that works on Windows too.
I want it to be simple, as it should be. No artillery, no SQL queueing, no again and again installing stuff… I just want to run a goddamn asynchronous task.
So I tried the Symfony Process Component. Problem is, running the task synchronously works fine, but when running it asynchronously it exits along the main script.
Is there a way to fix this?
composer require symfony/process
require './bootstrap.php';
$logFile = './log.txt';
file_put_contents($logFile, '');
append($logFile, 'script (A) : '.timestamp());
$process = new Process('php subscript.php');
$process->start(); // async, subscript exits prematurely…
//$process->run(); // sync, works fine
append($logFile, 'script (B) : '.timestamp());
require './bootstrap.php';
$logFile = './log.txt';
//ignore_user_abort(true); // doesn't solve issue…
append($logFile, 'subscript (A) : '.timestamp());
append($logFile, 'subscript (B) : '.timestamp());
require './vendor/autoload.php';
class_alias('Symfony\Component\Process\Process', 'Process');
function append($file, $content) {
file_put_contents($file, $content."\n", FILE_APPEND);
function timestamp() {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return date('H:i:s', $sec) . ' ' . sprintf('%03d', floor($usec * 1000));
script (A) : 02:36:10 491
script (B) : 02:36:10 511
subscript (A) : 02:36:10 581
// subscript (B) is missing