I am using PageKeyedDataSource to make paging by calling an API and using Retrofit.
And I am using Dagger 2 to make the dependency injection.
Repository provideRepository(...) {
PageKeyedVideosDataSource providePageKeyeVideosDataSource(Repository repository) {
VideoDataSourceFactory provideVideoDataSourceFactory(PageKeyedHomeVideosDataSource pageKeyedHomeVideosDataSource) {
ViewModelFactory provideViewModelFactory(Repository repository, VideoDataSourceFactory videoDataSourceFactory) {
Now, I need to do the same thing, however my call needs a new parameter: an id.
Observable<RequestVideo> getVideosByCategory(
@Path("id") int categoryId, // <-- Now I need this new parameter
@Query("per-page") int perPage,
@Query("page") int page);
Before, my PageKeyedVideosDataSource needed only the page and the per-page to make the call, it was easy. However, now I need to put this new parameter id dynamically inside the PageKeyedDataSource.
I saw PagingWithNetworkSample and figured it out that they put a new parameter in PagedKeyedDataSource by adding it in the constructor. Then, I thought about doing this:
public PageKeyedCategoryVideosDataSource(int categoryId, Repository repository) {
this.categoryId = categoryId;
this.repository = repository;
However, if I add the id in the constructor, I think I'll not be able to use dagger 2 anymore because by using dagger 2 the PageKeyedVideosDataSource is not created dynamically, therefore, I can't keep changing the value of the id.
I need to create the PageKeyedDataSource dynamically like this:
int categoryId = getCategoryId();
PageKeyedVideosDataSource dataSource = new PageKeyedVideosDataSource(categoryId, repository);
- Should I do this and not use Dagger 2?
- Is it possible to dynamically create the DataSource still using Dagger 2?