I know that many webmasters believe that page speed means nothing. However, I’m confident that this factor is one of TOP 3 in the Google’s decision of ranking any website.
I tired of seeing how Google’s own services are slowing down my pages. I write clean code. When I launch any website/app, it scored “A” on GTMetrix and Pingdom and 100/100 on Google Page Speed (Mobile). As a rule, Google Ads don't harm the desktop version.
However, once I add at least one Google Ad, my ranking drops down to “C” and 60-67/100 (Mobile).
Of course, one may say that Page Speed is not an SEO ranking factor. Ok, for NYT, WSJ, Bustle, HuffPost, etc., may be. But for any new website, the speed is a crucial factor.
The injustice is that Google point out its own services, which slow down my (and your) projects, such as:
There are 6 static components without a far-future expiration date.
https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js (not Google)
Reduce DNS lookups:
pagead2.googlesyndication.com: 6 components, 368.9K (136.4K GZip)
code.jquery.com: 1 component, 86.9K (30.2K GZip)
adservice.google.ca: 1 component, 0.1K (0.1K GZip)
adservice.google.com: 1 component, 0.1K (0.1K GZip)
googleads.g.doubleclick.net: 11 components, 173.4K (45.9K GZip)
fonts.googleapis.com: 1 component, 7.0K (0.6K GZip)
tpc.googlesyndication.com: 5 components, 153.0K (57.0K GZip)
www.google.com: 1 component, 0.2K
Avoid URL redirects:
https://www.google.com/pagead/drt/ui redirects to
Reduce JavaScript execution time:
etc., etc., etc...
I know that I can’t edit the code on their side. But maybe there is some way to defer Google Ads or do any other trick to reduce the harm of Google’s own services? Is there at least someone who has a 100/100 score on Google Page Speed (Mobile), having 2-3 Google Ads on a page?