Suppose I have XML like this:
<graph label="Test" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:cy="" xmlns="" directed="1">
The first element name with all its attributes all appear on one line.
I have seen how to pretty print the element tree, using lxml, with code like this:
from lxml import etree
def prettyPrintXml(filePath):
assert filePath is not None
parser = etree.XMLParser(resolve_entities=False, remove_blank_text=True,
document = etree.parse(filePath, parser)
print(etree.tostring(document, pretty_print=True, encoding='utf-8'))
... but using that, every element appears on one line.
Is there a magic incantation to tell the pretty printer to insert newlines between the element attributes so that, for example, the line length does not exceed 80 characaters?
I would like the result to look something like this:
<graph label="Test"
xmlns="" directed="1">
ps: I don't want to resort to subprocess
and xmllint