I saw this line of code in some sources
( $self->{arg} ) = ( ( delete $self->{arg} ) =~ /(.*)/s ) if ${^TAINT};
I understand the untainting. I also known delete
My question is, in what circumstances is it necessary or preferred to use the delete
, and isn't it enough to use the simpler
( $self->{arg} ) = ( ( $self->{arg} ) =~ /(.*)/s ) if ${^TAINT};
For example
#!/usr/bin/env perl -T
use 5.014;
use warnings;
package Some {
use Moose;
has 'arg' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str');
sub doit {
my $self = shift;
#( $self->{arg} ) = ( ( delete $self->{arg} ) =~ /(.*)/s ) if ${^TAINT};
( $self->{arg} ) = ( ( $self->{arg} ) =~ /(.*)/s ) if ${^TAINT};
my $some = Some->new( arg => 'some text' );
say $some->arg;