I'm trying to understand the correct way, or right approach, to provide a reasonably large C++ API for a non-open source project. I do not want to provide a "header only" library as the code base is fairly large and meant to be closed source. The goals are as follows:
- Provide a native C++ API that users may instantiate C++ classes, pass data around, all in C++, without a C-only wraper
- Allow methods to take as parameters and return C++ objects, especially STL types (std::string, std::vector, etc)
- No custom allocators
- Most industry standard / canonical method of doing this possible, if such a standard exists
- No re-creating COM or using MS COM
- Assume all C++ compilers are at least C++11 "compliant"
I am targeting Windows as well as other platforms (Linux).
My understanding is creating a DLL or shared library is out of the question because of the DLL boundary issue. To deal with DLL boundary issue, the DLL and the calling code must be compiled with dynamically linked runtime (and the right version, multithreaded/debug/etc on Windows), and then all compiler settings would need to match with respect to debug symbols (iterator debugging settings, etc). One question I have this is whether, if, say on Windows, we ensure that the compiler settings match in terms of /MD using either default "Debug" and "Releas" settings in Visual Studio, can we really be "safe" in using the DLL in this way (that is passing STL objects back and forth and various things that would certainly be dangerous/fail if there was a mismatch)? Do shared object, *.so in Linux under gcc have the same problem?
Does using static libraries solve this problem? How much do compiler settings need to match between a static library and calling code for which it is linked? Is it nearly the same problem as the DLL (on Windows)?
I have tried to find examples of libraries online but cannot find much guidance on this. Many resources discuss Open Source solution, which seems to be copying header and implementation files into the code base (for non-header-only), which does not work for closed source.
What's the right way to do this? It seems like it should be a common issue; although I wonder if most commercial vendors just use C interfaces.
I am ok with static libraries if that solves the problem. I could also buy into the idea of having a set of X compilers with Y variations of settings (where X and Y are pre-determined list of options to support) and having a build system that generated X * Y shared binary libraries, if that was "safe".
Is the answer is really only to do either C interfaces or create Pure Abstract interfaces with factories? (if so, is there a canonical book or guide for doing this write, that is not implementing Microsoft COM?).
I am aware of Stefanus DuToit's Hourglass Pattern: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVYdHDm0q6Y
I worry that it is a lot of code duplication.
I'm not complaining about the state of things, I just want to understand the "right" way and hopefully this will serve as a good question for others in similar position.
I have reviewed these Stackoverflow references:
When to use dynamic vs. static libraries
How do I safely pass objects, especially STL objects, to and from a DLL?
Distributing Windows C++ library: how to decide whether to create static or dynamic library?
Static library API question (std::string vs. char*)
Easy way to guarantee binary compatibility for C++ library, C linkage?
Also have reviewed: