My free app directed at children from (0-5) just got rejected from Google Play in its last update. It is not released yet, I'm only releasing internal tests. The issue is the following:
"Issue: Violation of Families Policy Requirements
We have detected that your app collects personal information, however, it was not disclosed in your Play Console. Apps that include children in the target audience must comply with all Families Policy Requirements, which requires that you disclose the collection of any personal information from children in your app, including through APIs and SDKs called or used in your app. "
My app does not contain any ads but instead it has a single IAP (non-consumable) which unlocks the full game. I am using a middleware called Construct 3 to make it and also GameAnalytics to record events such as game completed, errors, etc.
The Required permissions are the following:
android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, android.permission.INTERNET, android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,
So I am not sure what the problem is, to be honest, and I am a bit confused. The mail I received mentioned doing the following:
"Review the App Content > Target audience and content section in your Play Console and be sure to accurately disclose the collection of personal information. And if applicable, you must collect verifiable parental consent before collecting any personal information from children."
So I tried and the only thing regarding the collection of personal information is what they refer to as PII (personal identifiable information). However, I don't collect any personal identifiable information as far as I know unless it's because of GameAnalytics SDK?
Example of fake data I get on GameAnalytics:
{arrival_ts:23:06, country_code:US, data:{android_app_build:3600, android_app_signature:fdg46g465dfg45d4fg654dfg64g, android_app_version:0.0.36, android_bundle_id:com.test.test,, build:0.0.36, category:session_end, client_ts:45464654, connection_type:wwan, device:Pixel 3, google_aid:dbf5e8ab-488a-4152-afb1-dfgdf556, length:1196, manufacturer:Google, os_version:android 9, platform:android, sdk_version:construct 2.2.3, session_id:c8e3d86c-8519-42f7-a3b4-6465dfgdgf, session_num:32, user_id:dbfdfggfdab-488a-4152-afb1-df45dfg, v:2}, first_in_batch:true, game_id:78269, ip:}
If anyone has some idea where to look at, that would be really appreciated. This my post on Stack Overflow, so if it does not have this place here sorry.
My app does not contain any ads
and yet I see:google_aid:dbf5e8ab-488a-4152-afb1-dfgdf556
probably for IAP. Its up the developer to understand any SDK analytics that is occurring in developer's own app as the developer is responsible. Related:… – Magallanes