@Hirshy and @Luk, your solution is really quite elegant and works like a charm. The files input field does not even get sent to the server so it's easy to determine when a file is in the payload.
In my Angular app, I have a single view for both adding a new document and some attendant data and for editing the data and/or uploading a replacement document.
Here is my solution:
/* Prepare file uploader. */
/* */
/* jQuery-File-Upload does not submit a form unless a file has been */
/* selected. To allow this, we manually add an empty file to be uploaded, */
/* which makes the submit handler available, and we replace the submit */
/* handler with one that will submit the form without a selected file. */
/* */
/* see: https://mcmap.net/q/950183/-blueimp-jquery-file-upload-how-do-i-submit-form-without-files-attached/2245849. */
var uploadForm = $('#DocumentForm');
var fileInput = $('#DocumentForm input:file');
$scope.uploadOptions =
url: Services.Documents.uploadRoute,
autoUpload: false,
dropZone: uploadForm,
fileInput: fileInput,
replaceFileInput: false
/* Initialize the uploader. This must be done with the options */
/* or an error will be thrown when an empty file is added below. */
/* It is also necessary to initialize with the options here as */
/* well as in the element html or the results are unpredictable. */
/* File processing is called in the default add handler and this */
/* handler is called after a successful add. It displays the file */
/* name in the drop zone, sets the document name for a new document, */
/* and sets the submit handler to submit the form with file and data. */
/* */
/* If editing a document, a dummy empty file object is manually */
/* added to make the submit handler available so the user can make */
/* data changes without uploading a new document. */
uploadForm.bind("fileuploadprocessdone", function(e, data)
/* Get the user selected file object and display the name. */
/* Set the document name to the file name if not already set. */
if (data.files[0].name)
$scope.document.file = data.files[0];
if (!$scope.document.name)
$scope.document.name = $scope.document.file.name;
/* If this is the dummy file add, reset */
/* 'acceptFileTypes' to global config. */
delete $scope.uploadOptions.acceptFileTypes;
/* Set the submit handler. We have to do this every time a */
/* file is added because 'data' is not passed to the handler. */
/* If we get here, the file could not be added to the process queue most */
/* likely because it is too large or not an allowed type. This is dispatched */
/* after the add event so clear the current file and show the error message. */
uploadForm.bind("fileuploadprocessfail", function(e, data)
$scope.document.file = null;
/* Add a dummy empty file if not a new document so the submit */
/* handler is set and the user does not have to upload a document. */
if (!$scope.new_document)
$scope.uploadOptions.acceptFileTypes = null;
uploadForm.fileupload('add', { files: [{}] });
It turns out uploadForm.fileupload('add', { files: [''] });
will result in an exception being thrown in the browser if the server returns a failed status. JFU tries to assign data.files[0].error
and data.files[0] doesn't exist.
The problem is handled nicely by assigning an empty array instead of an empty string: uploadForm.fileupload('add', { files: [[]] });
I have updated the example above.
UPDATE 2/29/16
It turned out I did want to restrict the file types after all so I modified my script to clear 'acceptFileTypes' property before the dummy file add and reset it in the add handler. Also discovered I could not access the process errors in the add handler so replaced it with 'fileuploadprocessdone' and handled the error in 'fileuploadprocessfail'.
I have updated the example above but we're still using JFU 5.42.0.
I am using 5.42.0 which is a very old version of JFU. I did not write this code and my first attempt to upgrade failed. When I do upgrade, I'll update this solution.**