I used gulp-webapp (generator from yeoman) and add some other tasks (like gulp-sass & gulp-coffee).
But now Livereload isn't starting. I need to see something like this
[gulp] Live reload server listening on: 35729
But output looks like
➜ app git:(master) ✗ gulp watch
[gulp] Using gulpfile ~/Dev/lsd/app/gulpfile.js
[gulp] Starting 'clean'...
[gulp] Starting 'styles'...
[gulp] Starting 'scripts'...
[gulp] Starting 'connect'...
[gulp] Finished 'connect' after 68 ms
Started connect web server on http://localhost:9000
[gulp] Finished 'scripts' after 181 ms
[gulp] gulp-size: total 128.75 kB
[gulp] Finished 'styles' after 806 ms
[gulp] Starting 'serve'...
[gulp] Finished 'serve' after 5.73 ms
And I don't understand, what is my problem.
My gulpfile.coffee
"use strict"
gulp = require("gulp")
$ = require("gulp-load-plugins")()
gulp.task "styles", ->
gulp.src("app/styles/main.scss").pipe($.sass()).pipe($.autoprefixer("last 1 version")).pipe(gulp.dest(".tmp/styles")).pipe $.size()
gulp.task "scripts", ->
gulp.src("app/scripts/**/*.coffee").pipe($.coffee()).pipe gulp.dest(".tmp/scripts")
gulp.task "html", [
], ->
jsFilter = $.filter("**/*.js")
cssFilter = $.filter("**/*.css")
gulp.src("app/*.html").pipe($.useref.assets()).pipe(jsFilter).pipe($.uglify()).pipe(jsFilter.restore()).pipe(cssFilter).pipe($.csso()).pipe(cssFilter.restore()).pipe($.useref.restore()).pipe($.useref()).pipe(gulp.dest("dist")).pipe $.size()
gulp.task "clean", ->
read: false
).pipe $.clean()
gulp.task "build", [
gulp.task "default", ["clean"], ->
gulp.start "build"
gulp.task "connect", ->
connect = require("connect")
app = connect().use(require("connect-livereload")(port: 35729)).use(connect.static("app")).use(connect.static(".tmp")).use(connect.directory("app"))
require("http").createServer(app).listen(9000).on "listening", ->
console.log "Started connect web server on http://localhost:9000"
gulp.task "serve", [
], ->
require("opn") "http://localhost:9000"
gulp.task "watch", [
], ->
server = $.livereload()
]).on "change", (file) ->
server.changed file.path
gulp.watch "app/styles/**/*.scss", ["styles"]
gulp.watch "app/scripts/**/*.coffee", ["scripts"]
correct? – Capps