I want to use redux devtools on our react-native app that's using react-native 0.67.1
and hermes.
I don't mind using any known tools (like react-native-debugger, or flipper), but I was blocked on pretty much all of my attempts by various issues so far.
The community is currently on a weird state where:
doesn't work with hermesflipper
gives usPlugin ... is unavailable
errors, and it feels like those plugins have been abandonedredux-devtools
has moved their packages (@redux-devtools) without really providing great docs for react-native projects (does it even work with react-native?)remote-redux-devtools
(which we had success with in the past) has been abandoned
Is there any way to use redux devtools with a hermes react-native a on 2022?
Here's our code:
const enhancer = composeWithDevTools(
applyMiddleware(createDebounce(), thunk, acuityMiddlewareCreator),
// devTools(remoteDevToolsConfig),
const store = createStore(persistedReducer, initialState, enhancer);
. Appreciate your answer though :-). – Enyedy