Look at Securing GWT Clients With AcrIS: using annotations to define permissions on controls in a declarative fashion. From the article,
public class CustomerPanel extends SecuredComposite {
protected TextBox securityID;
While the approach looks very promising, the project doesn't appear that active. The downloads page has the latest release in May 2012 with only a few hundred downloads of each version (although this doesn't account for use as a Maven dependency). The latest on acris' forum is a post from June 2013 on a move to Git.
Also, the latest published version is compatible with GWT 2.3, with current development focused on GWT 2.5.
Additionally, the framework looks very extensive, and I have concerns about its modularity. Just trying to pull in the security module requires a number of dependencies and other modules.
Even if you don't use acris, the approach is work looking into. (This is the same approach as mentioned in Attribute-Based Authorization linked in a comment on the OP.) Looking at the source, it looks like metaprogramming using a generator and SourceWriter.